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Shakespeare Road W3  (2012)

This is the proposed remodelling of an existing unusual building which added particular character to the street.  This sketch scheme was not intended as the ultimate answer but to demonstrate a potential for residential adaptation to a building originally built as offices and a communal meeting place (left in a bequest to the Conservative Party 100 years before).


Acton's architectural history in general has not been respected or preserved. It could reasonably be said that apart from good recent design what distinguishes characterful areas from the less interesting is the conservation of historical design quality over the decades.  Other areas of London have buildings going back 300-400 years and still standing.  


Acton has lost approximately 50% of its distinctive heritage that was built over the last 150-200 years or so including some iconic public buildings: it once boasted seven cinemas, some on the grand scale, only one of which remains, repurposed.


Good design fits well with good design regardless of its period.  Much of new urban design is seriously undistinguished, bland or care-less, and much of it with the blessing of planning departments since 1948.

The argument is not to stand in the way of good contemporary design but not to replace good historically established design with bland ersatz badly scaled imitations of Victoriana which is what ultimately happened here.  This proposed alternative was part of a local two year long campaign to preserve and convert the existing building. 

The alternative scheme shown here proposes three houses rather than four - in scale with the surrounding area.  As some compensation there are four floors, utilising a pre-existing basement excavation.  To the rear south elevation the standard three metre extension increases the footprint.

This scheme which the campaign fought against was

granted planning consent after two appeals.

It shows the scale of the new houses as built in comparison with the neighbouring terraces. Four units have been shoe-horned into a site fit for three.

This sketch scheme was intended to illustrate a potential alternative that repurposed the existing building rather than a finished product.

The additional house to the left (west) is located in the gap which pre-existed between this detached building and the terraces each side. 

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